3 Quotes & Sayings By Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown is a former journalist with over 20 years of experience in the field, from his start as an award-winning editor at "The Toledo Blade" to leading editorial teams for "The Indianapolis Star" and "The Baltimore Sun". He has been a writer and editor for a wide variety of publications, including, most recently, "National Geographic Traveler", "Marine Corps Gazette", and "People Weekly". He lives with his wife and two children near Boston, Massachusetts.

Listen my friend, if one person doesn’t want the relationship, then it’s simply not a fit. No sense trying to figure out why they don’t want it. No sense blaming it on their commitment issues. No sense waiting around for them to realize they wanted it after all. Because it doesn’t matter why they don’t want it. What matters is that you are met heart-on by a fully engaged partner. If they don’t want it, then you don’t want it, because you don’t want to be with someone who isn’t there for it fully. That’s the thing about love relationship– it’s an agreement that has to be signed by both souls. If one doesn’t sign, then nothing has been lost. If it’s not a fit for them, it’s not a fit for you either. . Jeff Brown
Love doesn't fail us, it's our expectations that fail us. Lovers sometimes forget that the gift is the call to love itself, and not the result. The quickening, the deepening, the merging, the burning bright in love's cosmic kiln. That's the great gift, no matter where it leads. Jeff Brown